FAITH in HER had no contamination
The purity of my heart SHE knew
Deeply devoted to HER lotus feet
SHE protected the faithful few!
AMMA`s devotees grew and grew
Like millions of wires connected to a fuse
From every drop of water and grain of sand too
Thru`HER sakthi she put all to use!
Just like the sands created the deserts
And the waves, those mighty seas
Zillions of stars forming the milkyway
Through HER everything was created,from the sun to the gently breeze!
As Kaliyuga`s toxicity
Shadows the earth with its grey
AMMA has the power
To turn darkness into a golden day!
And for those whose hearts remain ever so pure
Chanting HER holy name
HER sakthi and grace shall protect us
From the evil and insane!